The Power of EVOX Perception Reframing

Have you ever wondered why you’re stuck in a particular behavior pattern? Maybe you find yourself constantly attracting the same type of people or the same type of situations that cause you to feel the same emotions over and over again. Maybe it’s an addiction that you've tried everything to quit, but just can’t quite seem to kick to the curb. Or maybe you haven’t tried to quit, but you know it’s not healthy and you desire to change. Maybe you constantly sabotage your own success or relationships due to a self-limiting belief that you’re aware is getting in the way, but you don’t know how to change it. Maybe you find yourself in a constant state of stress and anxiety and have difficulty relaxing.

Whatever behavior pattern it is that you’re battling, it likely started developing in your subconscious mind during childhood. The subconscious mind is formed during the first 7-8 years of life (1). The people around you, the environments you were in, the movies and TV shows you watched, and the music you listened to all laid the foundation for your predetermined thoughts and behaviors that became the programming of your subconscious mind. Our subconscious continues taking in information into adulthood, driving 95% of our daily thoughts and behaviors (2). Oftentimes, people don’t become aware of their subconscious behavior patterns until they begin to negatively impact their relationships, everyday progress, and productivity. If this is something you can relate to, then congratulations on becoming aware of your subconscious programming. Now, you can take steps to reprogram your negative subconscious beliefs. This is where EVOX by ZYTO can benefit you by shifting your mind to a more focused and successful belief system. At Living Health Holistic, we recently added the EVOX Perception Reframing device to help remove emotional barriers preventing you from being your best self.

What is EVOX?

EVOX Perception Reframing is an FDA-approved computerized cognitive biofeedback device that uses sound frequencies to help reframe perception and process emotions. A biofeedback device is an instrument used for recording and measuring physiological information, as well as “feeding” information back into the body for the “purposes of improving health and performance” (3). By tapping deeper and deeper into the subconscious through voice mapping, EVOX technology helps identify and target the root cause of unwanted behaviors and stress patterns.

How does EVOX work?

EVOX was developed by Calvin Young and his group of researchers, who identified and mapped specific voice frequencies correlated to specific emotions. The device uses musical tones to identify missing frequencies in the voice that are caused by emotional stressors. The missing frequencies are then fed back into the body via light, sound, and kinesthetic stimulation, helping to strengthen the muscle memory connection and release excess energy related to a particular stressor- be it a person, event, or situation.

You can think of it as tuning an instrument. In order to do this, you have to play the instrument and listen for the note that’s offkey. Once the offkey note is identified, it is adjusted until the proper note is played. Only then can the instrument be played correctly. EVOX works in the same way. Once the frequency of an emotional stressor is identified, the device sends frequencies back into the body (like tuning an instrument) that trigger the subconscious release of the stressor and replaces it with a healing frequency that brings the brain back into balance and harmony.

EVOX is an especially helpful tool for removing barriers that influence your flow. EVOX puts you back in the driver’s seat of your mind so that you are in control of your thoughts and behaviors rather than your preprogrammed subconscious being in control. The frequencies fed back into the body are also helpful in fighting chronic health or behavior issues and calming the central nervous system. When emotions are stuck in the body, they create blockages by binding to toxins. These blockages can inhibit the release of toxins through the body’s natural detoxification pathways. EVOX helps to release any stuck emotions and allows optimal function of the body’s cells, tissues, and organs.

What types of sessions are available?

There are three types of sessions you may choose from:

  1. Topic-specific session. This type of session covers a single topic in only one session and is helpful for one specific topic you need support in processing. No subtopics are included in this session.

  2. Multi-topic series. This type of series covers a single topic that is broken down into multiple subtopics. The multi-topic series can help clear the roots connected to the main topic. For example, say someone is striving for success but can’t quite achieve their goals, and they are constantly getting in their own way. During an EVOX session, the main topic may be a fear of success. Then, we would break the main topic down into subtopics that are related to their fear of success, such as fear of being too busy, fear of losing family and friends, and fear of judgment. We would work on clearing one subtopic per session until they are all cleared. The total number of sessions for this particular example would be four sessions- three subtopic sessions and one session on the main topic. The total number of sessions for this series depends on the number of subtopics. During the first session, you decide on the topic and subtopics, then EVOX on the first subtopic.

  3. Transgenerational series. This is a special type of session that focuses on clearing stress, trauma, and behavior patterns that have been passed down through multiple generations. During the first session, a chart will be created for each family member, which can include the mother, father, grandparents on both sides, step-parents, legal guardians, and/or significant relationships/spouses. The minimum number of sessions for this series is five.

What does a session look like?

For the single and multi-topic sessions, you will choose your own topic. We recommend choosing whatever issue is highest in your awareness and seems to be causing the most stress in your life. It can be about a situation or circumstance, a physical, mental, or spiritual issue, an addiction, or a self-limiting belief. Making a running list in a journal of issues that you would like to work on can help you to prioritize what topics need to be targeted and cleared the most. For the transgenerational series, you will only speak about your family members and spouse.

After the session type and topic are established, you will begin by talking about the topic for 10 seconds. For the transgenerational series, you will begin by talking about each family member for 10 seconds. After speaking about each family member, you will focus the rest of the initial session on the family member with the lowest percentage rating. As you are speaking, the EVOX will be recording your voice and mapping the frequencies that correspond to certain emotions. After speaking, you will receive what’s called an “output”, where you place your hand on the cradle, put on the light frames, listen to relaxing music, and receive frequencies based on the stress patterns that were detected in your voice. The combination of the recording and output is called a “round”.

You will continue doing rounds, going back and forth between speaking and receiving frequencies, until no more stress patterns are detected in your voice. This is known as a “releasing pattern” or “dynamic shift”. Once there is a releasing pattern, you will place your hand on the cradle in addition to placing a glass water bottle next to the cradle. The EVOX will then output healing frequencies from the entire session through the cradle, into both your body and the water bottle. You will drink a small amount from the water bottle every night before bed until your next session. This will help your subconscious to absorb and integrate the healing frequencies while you are sleeping.

During the speaking portion of your session, you can talk about whatever comes to mind on your chosen topic. You don’t have to share anything you don’t feel comfortable sharing. The software is only reading the vibrations from your voice, not your words. This means that even if you are speaking about something completely off topic, the software will still be able to detect stress patterns in your voice related to the topic, as long as you are thinking about the topic while you are speaking.

The sessions are not about problem-solving, they are about clearing stress on a subconscious level. During the session, speak whatever comes to you intuitively and avoid “overthinking”. When you are silent and receiving the output frequencies, focus your attention on the topic. Powerful new insights might come to the surface, which you can vocalize on your next round of speaking. If you feel stuck at any point, your coach may offer some guidance.

The initial session will take one hour and includes establishing the topic, subtopic, and family members, recording for each of the subtopics or family members, and then focusing on one particular subtopic or family member. Follow-up sessions will usually last between 20-30 minutes and will cover only one family member or subtopic. 

Flower Essence Remedies and Affirmations

The final component of the Perception Reframing session will be to use the hand cradle to scan your body for the five most synergistic flower essence remedies and affirmations. Flower essences were first discovered by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s. Dr. Bach found that certain flower essences balanced certain emotions. Through the EVOX, we are able to send the frequencies of the flower remedies into the body through the hand cradle. You will also be scanned for and receive the frequencies of the top five affirmations that resonate with your body.

Additionally, we will create a homeopathic remedy by sending the flower essence and affirmation frequencies into a bottle of water. You will receive a report with a description of both. Every night before bed until your next appointment, you will say the affirmations out loud and drink a small amount of water. Since the body processes emotions during sleep, saying the affirmations and drinking the homeopathic remedy will help your body to process emotions released during the EVOX session, and absorb the healing frequencies.








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